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Sexual Abuse

Despite all of the headlines about child sexual abuse, it is still largely a silent epidemic. Many children who have been abused do not tell their parents or other caregivers about it, or they delay informing anyone about it until long after the abuse has occurred. Even if a child informs his or her parents about an incident of abuse, many parents (for various reasons) often fail to take any action about it. At the Scanlan Law Group, we are experienced in handling sexual abuse cases, and we don’t hesitate in taking every action necessary to bring these cases to a successful conclusion.

The failure to take action can be a terrible tragedy for everyone involved. Child sexual abuse almost always leaves serious, long-term scars on affected children, as they can suffer permanent physical, emotional, and psychological damage. Even parents and siblings of the abused child can suffer from rage, guilt, and other debilitating emotional problems. If addressed by a competent mental health professional, these problems can, with time, be addressed. If left untreated, these problems can be devastating, as many families are ripped apart by unresolved issues growing out of the abuse. Furthermore, as almost all sexual predators are repeat offenders, failing to notify the authorities about sexual abuse allows the predators to roam free, subjecting other children to the risk of abuse, and in extreme cases, death from a violent predator.

Although sexual abuse is a criminal offense punishable by long periods of imprisonment, an abused child and his or her family must bring a private lawsuit to recover damages resulting from sexual abuse. Of course, an attorney cannot give back the innocence that was taken from a child by a sexual predator; however, an experienced sexual abuse lawyer can help families begin to put their lives back together by helping them to recover all of the damages to which they are entitled and to obtain the treatment they need.

The attorneys of the Scanlan Law Group are experienced in representing families affected by child sexual abuse. We know how to aggressively litigate cases against sexual predators while delicately handling all of the powerful emotions involved. If you know of a child that has been the victim of sexual abuse, please don’t delay seeking help.

Contact the Scanlan Law Group below for a free and completely confidential initial consultation.

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30 North Michigan Ave.
Suite 1024
Chicago, Illinois 60602
Local: (312) 422-0343
Toll Free: (877) 494-1309
Fax: (312) 422-0358

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(877) 494-1309