A delivery driver drove into a warehouse yard operated by a major grocery store chain in North Suburban Chicago in order to make his delivery. Because the yard was not clearly marked, and the driver was not provided with any information as to where his load was supposed to be delivered, he was forced to exit his truck and walk through the busy yard to the receiving office in order to get instructions. Unfortunately, he never made it to the office; he was struck by one of the store’s yard vehicles as he walked to the office. As a result, he sustained severe crush injuries to his pelvis area and was hospitalized for six weeks. He is now permanently confined to a wheelchair.
In the subsequent lawsuit against the grocery chain and the security service that operated the lot, Edmund J. Scanlan argued that the lot was inherently unsafe because the yard vehicles were not equipped with audible warning systems, and the delivery drivers were not provided with appropriate maps to allow them to quickly find the receiving office. Defendants were clearly convinced by Scanlan’s argument as they settled the case before trial for $6 million.